Hospital Bed Manual Semi Fowler Single Function Arrex
ARREXWireless Door Bell For Patient On Rent
Product Highlights :
- 45 Selectable Tunes.
- Long Operational Life.
- Robust Functionality.

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The all-new anchor wireless doorbell is a plug-in type variant of the wireless bell. The bell (receiver unit) needs to be plugged into a power source hence only the remote requiring battery for operation. The remote and the doorbell unit adopt the same and unique encoding-decoding codes to avoid interference with other devices. Keep the doorbell away from metal, moisture, high temperature, or any electromagnetic sources. In case of water seepage, use a hairdryer. Try replacing batteries if the doorbell is not working.
Data sheet
- Type
- Rental
- 45 Selectable Tunes.
- Range up to 60m (Open Area)
- Tune Selector.
- 4 Volume Level (Including Mute)
- Battery Operated
- No Interference
- Operating Frequency = 433 Mhz
- Long Operating Life
- Compact Size
- Automatic Coding
- The Remote and the Doorbell unit adopt the same and unique encoding-decoding codes to avoid interference with other devices.
- Keep the doorbell away from metal, moisture, high temperature, or any electromagnetic sources.
- In case of water seepage, use a hairdryer.
- Try replacing batteries if the doorbell is not working.
Perfect fit for homes, buildings, multiple apartments, hotels, offices. ideally for indoor use.
Instruction Manual: if Door Bell not ringing by bell push, follow instructions.
Step1: Keep Doorbell and Bell push together.
Step2: Press and hold volume button in the doorbell and then press the bell push button.
Step3: Hold both buttons for 5 sec. and the doorbell will start ringing by bell push.
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