How to Improve Your Eating Habits

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Many of us have habits when it comes to eating. Some are good (“I always have fruit as a dessert”), and others are not so good (“I always have a sugary drink after work as a reward”).  You can still improve your eating habits even if you've been following the same pattern for years.

Short-term weight loss can result from sudden, drastic changes, such as eating nothing but cabbage soup. Nonetheless, such radical changes are neither healthy nor a good idea and will not succeed in the long run. The best way to improve your eating habits is to reflect, replace, and reinforce.

REFLECT about your specific eating habits, both good and bad; and your common triggers for unhealthy eating.

REPLACE unhealthy eating habits with healthy ones.

REINFORCE the healthy habits you have adopted.


    Write down what you eat and drink. Write down what you consume for a few days. Include sugary drinks and alcohol in the list of everything you eat and drink. Note what time of day you ate or drank the item. This will help you determine your eating and drinking habits. During the mid-afternoon slump, you might always crave a sweet snack. It is important to note how you felt when you decided to eat, especially if you were not hungry at the time. Did you feel tired? Exhausted?

  • Check your list for habits that might lead you to overeat. Examples include:

  •         Eating too quickly

  •         Constantly wiping your plate

  •         Eating when you aren't hungry

  •         Standing up while eating (may lead to eating mindlessly or too quickly)

  •         Constantly eating dessert

  •         Skipping meals only eating breakfast

You have highlighted unhealthy eating habits. Make sure you know the triggers that cause you to engage in those habits. Choose a few you would like to improve first. Don't forget to congratulate yourself for the things you're doing right. You might usually eat fruit for dessert or drink low-fat or fat-free milk. You're doing great! Be sure to recognize your successes. Review your food diary and make a list of "cues" to become more aware of when and where you eat for reasons other than hunger. Pay attention to how you feel when you eat, too. A particular emotional state or environmental cue is often what induces non-hunger eating. Examples include:

  • Seeing your favorite snack food in the cabinet.

  • Watching television at home.

  • Prior to or after a stressful meeting or situation at workWhen you get home from work and don't know what to

  • Receiving a dish that was made especially for you.

  • On the counter, I pass a candy dish.

  • Near the vending machine in the break room.

  • At the morning staff meeting, I see a plate of doughnuts.

  • Take your favorite drive-through every morning.

  • Food might offer a pick-me-up if you're bored or tired.

On your list, circle the "cues" you face on a daily or weekly basis. While the Thanksgiving holiday may trigger overeating, for now focus on cues you encounter more frequently. As many eating cues as possible should be incorporated into your plan eventually. For each "cue" you circled, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What can I do to avoid this cue or situation? This option works best for situations where no one else is involved. Could you consider taking a different route to work to avoid stopping at a fast food restaurant on the way? Would you mind sitting somewhere else in the break room so you're not next to the vending machine?

  • Is there a healthier way to do things I cannot avoid? Obviously, you can't avoid all situations that trigger your unhealthy eating habits, such as staff meetings at work. Consider your options in these situations. Are there healthier snacks or beverages you can offer? Would taking notes be helpful? Would it be possible to sit farther away from the food so it won't be so easy to grab something? Would it be possible to eat a healthy snack beforehand?


    Replace unhealthy habits with healthier ones. You may realize that you eat too quickly when you eat alone, when you reflect on your eating habits. Share a lunch with a colleague each week, or invite your neighbor over for dinner once a week. Put down your fork between bites as another strategy. You should also limit distractions while eating, such as watching the news. You don't pay attention to how much and how fast you're eating when you're distracted by such things.

  • Slow down. If you eat too quickly, you may not pay attention to whether you are full rather than "cleaning your plate."

  • Only eat when you are truly hungry, not when you are tired, anxious, or feeling any other emotion besides hunger. When you feel bored or anxious, instead of eating, try to find a non-eating activity to do instead. If you are feeling down, you might find it helpful to go for a walk or call a friend.

  • To ensure that you eat a healthy, well-balanced meal, plan meals in advance.


  • Be patient with yourself as you adopt new, healthy habits. It takes time for habits to take hold. This is not an overnight process.

  • Whenever you find yourself engaging in an unhealthy habit, stop as quickly as possible and ask yourself: Why do I do this? What led me to do this? How can I change? Don't berate yourself or think that one mistake "blows" an entire day's worth of healthy habits. It's possible! One day at a time!


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