Dr Agam C Vora is a chest physician & in charge of Vora Clinic at Borivali west, Mumbai.
He is an honorary consultant chest physician at Karuna Hospital & Suchak Hospital. He served as the Assistant Honorary chest physician & in charge of department of Chest & TB at Dr R N Cooper Municipal General Hospital since 2002 till 2019.
He is currently secretary general of association of physicians of India – 2022 - 2025
He is Honorary General secretary of Academy of Advanced Medical Education, trustee of Malad Medical Association, President of Geriatric Society of India. He is the assistant Editor of Journal of Association
of Physician of India (JAPI) & member editorial board – Chest ( Indian edition).He also holds the position
of patron of Tuberculosis association of India – North East chapter.
Academically he is well qualified, graduate from Grant Medical College, Mumbai; post graduate in the
field of pulmonology from Lokmanya Tilak Medical College – Mumbai. He served J J Hospital Mumbai for
a period of one year as Lecturer in the department of Chest & TB. He worked as Assistant professor &
then as associate professor in the department of chest & TB at K J Somaiya Hospital & medical college,
Mumbai. He has more than 15 years of teaching experience. He is an accredited teacher in chest & TB
with Maharashtra University of Health & Sciences. He is also a teaching faculty at college of physicians &
Surgeons – Mumbai. He was invited to join HBT medical college as the Professor in department of Chest
& TB. He is visiting honorary physician at Sewree Group of Hospitals.
Dr Agam Vora was conferred Young Scientist award by Tuberculosis association of India. He has been awarded various orations at National conferences. He has been recepient of various fellowships like: Fellowship of the association of College of chest physician, Fellowship of Indian academy of health education, Fellowship of The society for advanced studies in medical sciences, Fellowship of Geriatric society of India, Fellowship of American College of Chest Physician, Fellowship of Association of Physicians of India, Fellowship of National college of chest physicians (India).
He has 20 plus years of experience in his field of pulmonology. He has helped more than 4 lakh patient
so far.
He has been invited on various news channels & has given many TV interviews & radio interviews. He has written a few health columns in magazines addressing common health problem & easy solutions for the community. He has conducted various health care camps all across the country & public health care awareness talks. He has also conducted medical camps at Nagaland on Invitation of His Excellency Shri P B Aacharya- the Governor of Nagaland.
He has been invited on various National & international platforms to deliver guest lectures. He has delivered more than 500 guest lectures. He has organized more than 30 National & international conferences. He is a very popular speaker & his talks are attended by hundreds of delegates.
He was the first chest physician to insert tracheal stent for a case of benign tracheal stenosis in the year
Dr Vora is a multifarious personality & has an active interest in literature. He has done a certificate course in Hindi language. He is a poet & has written poems. He is also a writer & likes to write on interpersonal relations, friendships, & has written a few letters to parents that are published in
Suburban magazines. He has participated in various spiritual programmes of Shri Jaggi Vasudeo, Bramha Kumari organization & Sri Sri Ravi Shnakarji.
He was the physician to Bramha Kumari Prakash Mani Dadi – who was the Bramhakumari administrative head of Bramha kumari organization from 1969 till 2007. He has treated various spiritual leaders from Hare Rama Hare Krishna, Bramha Kumari organization, Christian missionaries & Jain spiritual masters.
Dr Vora is actively associated with National & local medical associations. He is the life member of Borivali Medical Brotherhood, Kandivali Medical Association, Dahisor Medical Association, Malad Medical Association ( he has been Scientific secretary, president in past & is currently the trust board member ), Indian Medical Association ( managing committee member), Geriatric Society Of India ( President ), Indian Chest Society, National College of chest Physicians ( hosted NAPCON – a national conference of ICS & NCCP India in 2016 – that was attended by more than 3000 delegates from all across the world), Indian association of Bronchology ( organized first national bronchoscopy conference), Association of Medical Consultants. He is also the member of organization like Ashwini Kumar Medical Relief Society, Guajarati Seva Samaj & Sai sansthan (Karjat) the organizations that are involved in charitable activities in rural areas.
He was invited to be the member of Sub Committee of Drug Technical Advisory board for examination of cases of banning of 344 FDCs = 5 FDC by CDSCO (HQ) – New Delhi, under the directives of Supreme court of India.
Dr Vora is an excellent clinician, par excellent teacher & gentle human being. He is loved by all his
students & patients alike. He belongs to an educated & cultured family. His father Dr C K Vora is a
pediatrician, his wife Dr Bijal Vora is an anesthetist, his brother Dr Nigam Vora is a dentist & his sister in
law is a physio therapist. His grandfather was the chief reporter of a reputed new paper.
He is recently awarded COVID worrier trophy by the hands of His Excellency Shri Koshiyari ji the
Governor of Maharashtra for his services during COVID pandemic. He has done more than 110 CME
programmes during last 18 months on various COVID related issues, that has helped more than 18,000
drs across the country. His work for the treatment of COVID & related complications is published in
various national & international journals.
Dr Agam Vora can be contacted on dragamvora@gmail.com